The Journal of Social Issues (JSI) and special issue editors Kathleen Bogart and Dana S. Dunn seek proposals for papers for an upcoming issue on ableism. Ableism refers to stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination toward people with disabilities—a group that has been called the forgotten minority. Comprising approximately 15% of the world’s population, people with disabilities have historically been one of the most underrepresented groups in social science research and public policy. Paper topics for the proposed issue include but are not limited to the causes and consequences of ableism (e.g., attitudes research), intrapersonal responses to ableism (e.g., self-concept, disability identity), and interpersonal or collective responses to ableism (e.g., activism and ableism interventions). Paper topics may address social scientific concerns for disability broadly speaking or may concern various types of disability, including but not limited to specific disabilities, invisible disabilities, rare/uncommon disabilities, living with undiagnosable illness, intellectual disabilities, mental health disabilities, chronic illness, the disclosure of disability, or the intersectional experiences of disabled persons. JSI is a publication of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues; however, contributions from all social science disciplines are sought. Quantitative and qualitative empirical research papers as well as theoretical and conceptual reviews are welcome.
Submissions for initial consideration should consist of detailed abstracts of 2-4 double-spaced pages followed by a short biography (limited to half a page) of each author. The detailed abstracts should describe the theoretical underpinnings of the work, the methodological approach taken, and implications for social policy. For empirical articles, the abstract should include descriptions of the sample, methods, and primary findings, and in the case of quantitative articles, statistical power analysis. Qualitative submissions will be strengthened by authors’ consideration of COREQ or SRQR guidelines. For review articles, the abstract should include descriptions of the means by which the work reviewed was chosen (e.g., selective, supportive, exhaustive) and primary conclusions. Note that submissions must be based on nearly-completed work. Proposals based on empirical research for which the outcomes are unknown (e.g., in progress or future studies) would not be appropriate.
Submit detailed abstracts and biographies by July 1, 2018, to Kathleen Bogart at Questions and inquiries may also be directed to Dr. Bogart. Approximately 10 papers will be selected for the final issue. The special issue editors plan to notify authors of selection decisions by early September 2018. Completed manuscripts will be due December 1 and must adhere to JSI author guidelines.