SMA Awards

The SMA offers multiple annual and biannual prizes.


Career Awards

Career Achievement Award

Deadline: July 1, Awarded in Even Years

George Foster Practicing Medical Anthropology Award

Deadline: July 1, Awarded in Odd Years

Hazel Weidman Award for Exemplary Service to the Society for Medical Anthropology 

Deadline: July 1, Awarded in Odd Years 

Carole H. Browner Graduate Student Mentorship Award 

Deadline: July 1, Awarded Annually

Carole H. Browner Undergraduate Student Mentorship Award 

Deadline: July 1, Awarded Annually

The Leah M. Ashe Prize for the Anthropology of Medically–Induced Harm

Deadline: July 1, Awarded Annually


Book, Dissertation, and Paper Prizes

Charles Hughes Graduate Student Paper Prize 

 Deadline: July 1, Awarded on Even Numbered Years

 Eileen Basker Memorial Prize

Deadline: July 1, Awarded Every Year

New Millennium Book Award 

Deadline: July 1, Awarded on odd numbered years

SMA Dissertation Award 

Deadline: July 1, Awarded on Odd Numbered Years 

Steven Polgar Professional Paper Prize

Awarded every year

 WHR Rivers Undergraduate Student Paper Prize 

Deadline: July 1, Awarded on Odd Numbered Years


AAA/SMA Annual Meeting

Contingent Faculty Travel Award

Deadline: September 24, Awarded every year

Student Travel Awards 

Five graduate students and one undergraduate 

Deadline: October 1, 2021, Awarded every year


Previous recipients of SMA Awards:

2023 Recipients of SMA Awards

2022 Recipients of SMA Awards

2021 Recipients of SMA Awards

2020 Recipients of SMA Awards

2019 Recipients of SMA Awards

2018 Recipients of SMA Awards

2017 Recipients of SMA Awards

Past SMA Award Recipients from Previous Years 


Awards offered by SMA’s Special Interest Groups


Other Medical Anthropology open competitions*



Award Chairs please download the Award Reporting Forms here.

  1. SMA_W9_Form
  2. SMA Award Form – V2
  3. SMA Award Form – V2

*If you would like to provide information regarding a non-SMA competition or award, please contact us.