Website: To submit content for the SMA website, such as job openings, please email the SMA Webmaster Lauren Belong on
Social Media: Announcements will also be posted to SMA’s twitter account by SMA’s Digital Communications Manager Anika Jugović-Spajić. Please include a high-resolution logo or image to improve the SEO ratings and visibility of your announcement.
Listserv and Communities: For information on SMA’s listserv or to subscribe, visit or contact SMA’s Listserv Manager Deven Gray at SMA members automatically gain access to the SMA section of AAA’s communications platform, Communities. Both provide excellent places to share CFPs job openings, conference announcements, book announcements, grants and fellowships, and to discuss current topics and debates in our field. For questions about the SMA Communities site, contact the SMA Communities Manager Deven Gray at
Second Opinion Newsletter: Please email questions, comments, and content ideas about Second Opinion, SMA’s newsletter, to SMA’s Digital Communications Manager Anika Jugović-Spajić.
Anthropology News: To submit column ideas for the SMA’s section of Anthropology News, please contact the SMA Contributing Co-Editors, Melissa (Mel) Salm and Victoria Sheldon.