
Recommended Resources:

Recent Dissertations in the Medical Humanities, compiled by Jonathon Erlen, Health Sciences Library System, University of Pittsburgh;, global data on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and more from the Kaiser Family Foundation. is designed to provide students, faculty and others interested in learning about health policy easy access to the latest data, research, analysis, and developments in health policy. This site includes narrated slide tutorials, background reference libraries, and issue modules on current topics and policy debates.

Anthrosource: An online portal to full text anthropological resources, AnthroSource will offer AAA members access to AAA journals, newsletters, bulletins, and monographs; a linked, searchable database containing past, present, and future AAA periodicals; centralized access to a wealth of other key anthropological resources, including text, sound, and video; and interactive services to foster communities of interest and practice throughout the discipline.

Advocacy Resources: Advocacy Handbook from COSSA (the Consortium of Social Science Associations) (download PDF: AAA-provided COSSA Advocacy Handbook) The AAA’s own ‘advocacy talking points’ advice sheet (download AAA 170518 Advocacy Talking Points)

Institute of Medicine of the National Academies – Read reports on health issues, post to bulletin boards, find out about events of interest, and more .

The Social Medicine Portal, a project developed by faculty members of the Department of Family and Social Medicine of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, contains over a hundred links to websites, documents and presentations devoted to Social Medicine.

disclaimer: these resources are provided by, but not endorsed by, the SMA. we do our best to bring you high-quality syllabi, bibliographies, and such, but do not take it upon ourselves to screen them intensively. use your own good judgement, please.