SMA General Fund: SMA welcomes donations to the SMA General Fund. Membership dues help support valuable SMA member services such as mentorship programs, student travel awards, paper prizes, publications (MAQ, Second Opinion), and so on. Your tax-deductible donation will further extend SMA’s ability to make an impact, not only for members but as the major voice of medical anthropology, nationally and internationally. Your gift to SMA today can change lives. To donate to the general fund, click here.
SMA Basker Prize: The Eileen Basker Memorial Prize was founded in 1987 through a generous member donation. Its endowment has grown over the years, but still falls short of the amount needed to fully support the prize each year. Please help us build the endowment to secure the future of this prize, which has already played such a vital role in highlighting and encouraging scholarly work on gender and health. To donate to the Basker Prize endowment, click here.
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