2017 SMA Award Recipients

New Millennium Book Award

Charles L. Briggs & Clara Mantini-Briggs

Tell Me Why My Children Died: Rabies, Indigenous Knowledge, and Communicative Justice (Duke 2016).

Harris Solomon

Metabolic Living: Food, Fat, and the Absorption of Illness in India (Duke 2016).


Eileen Basker Memorial Prize

Robert Wyrod 

AIDS and Masculinity in the African City:  Privilege, Inequality, and Modern Manhood (California 2016).


SMA Dissertation Award

Gabriela Sheets

“The Developmental Ecology of the Infant Gut Microbiome.”


George Foster Practicing Medical Anthropology Award

Dr Emily Mendenhall (Georgetown University)


 R. Rivers Undergraduate Student Paper Prize

Taylor Silverman

“Timing Illness: Physician and Patient Perspectives on Movement Disorder Trajectories.”


Steven Polgar Professional Paper Prize

Rima Praspaliauskiene

“Enveloped Lives: Practicing Health and Care in Lithuania” [MAQ 30(4): 582-598]


MASA (Medical Anthropology Students Association) Mentorship Award


Kimberly Theidon (Fletcher School at Tufts University)


Student Travel Awards

Alen Agaronow

Hatice Erten

Stephen McIsaac

Laura Meek

Katharine Warren


Past SMA Award Recipients