Join or Renew with the SMA


This is the time when many of us renew our AAA and SMA memberships. The SMA depends on membership dues to support the publication of the MAQ, recognize outstanding members, support students and Special Interest Groups, participate in AAA meetings, and so on. I encourage you to renew your SMA membership and, if you are a professional member, to consider the “sustaining membership”, which, with its slightly higher dues, increases the SMA’s ability to support its members and be the public voice of medical anthropology.

I also encourage you to consider sharing your knowledge, skills, and expertise with your colleagues through organizing a workshop during the AAA meeting, sponsored by the SMA.

Finally, I encourage you to donate to the SMA’s General Fund or the Eileen Basker Memorial Prize endowment:

Feel free to contact me if you have any question.

SMA Treasurer

Alexander Rödlach SVD PhD
Associate Professor of Medical Anthropology and Psychiatry
Director, Graduate Program in Medical Anthropology
Department of Cultural and Social Studies
Creighton Hall 441A
Creighton University
2500 California Plaza
Omaha, NE 68178

Office: 402-280-2567