Adopted December 1, 1994Amended November 20, 1997
Revised November 17, 2000
Revised November 29, 2007
I. Mission Statement
The AIDS and Anthropology Research Group (AARG), an interest group of the Society for Medical Anthropology (SMA), is a network of scholars interested in anthropological research on HIV infection and AIDS. The mission of the AARG is to supports anthropological research on AIDS. To this end, AARG:
- Works to use anthropological research in the fight against HIV and AIDS.
- Advocates for AIDS research within anthropology.
- Promotes AIDS research by anthropologists within the broader AIDS research community.
- Provides a forum for anthropologists working on AIDS to meet and communicate about their work.
Membership is open to all interested persons. Persons do not have to be a member of either the American Anthropological Association (AAA) or the SMA to join AARG. Membership dues are established by the Steering Committee. Membership runs from November 1 to October 31st of each year to coincide with the annual AAA meeting. The members’ business meeting will be held at least once annually, at the AAA meetings in November.
III. Steering CommitteeThe Steering Committee is responsible for conducting the business of the AARG, including setting policies, caring for general affairs, setting and collecting dues, organizing meetings, and providing general oversight of the AARG. The Steering Committee shall meet at least once annually at the AAA meetings, and may meet additionally at the SfAA meetings, or at other times at the discretion of the AARG officers. Only AARG members can serve on the Steering Committee. The Chair must announce decisions voted on by the Steering Committee during the membership business meeting.
- A. Officers: The officers of AARG are the Chair, Chair-elect, Secretary-Treasurer, Membership Coordinator, Bulletin Editor, and Electronic Communications Officer.
- Chair - The Chair is elected by the membership for a four-year term as follows: one year served as Chair-elect, two as Chair, and one as Past-chair. The Chair is responsible for the finances and operation of the AARG. In enacting this responsibility, the Chair will consult with the Chair-elect and other Steering Committee members. Specific responsibilities of the Chair include: 1) serving as official liaison to SMA, 2) serving as the official spokesperson for AARG, and 3) organizing and chairing all meetings, including all AARG events at AAA and SfAA meetings. If neither the Chair nor Chair-elect is available to chair AARG events, the Chair may appoint a representative to do so.
- Chair-elect - The Chair-elect is elected by the membership to serve one year as Chair-elect prior to becoming chair in the next year. The Chair-elect assists the Chair and chairs the AARG in the Chair's absence. The Chair-elect also serves as election chair. In this capacity the Chair-elect solicits nominations, prepares the ballot, and counts and reports on the results (see section C below).
- Secretary-Treasurer - The Secretary-Treasurer is elected by the membership to serve a two year term. Responsibilities include: 1) preparing and distributing minutes from Steering Committee and business meetings, 2) handling correspondence as requested by the Chair, 3) assisting the Membership Officer in preparing and sending recruitment letters, 4) keeping AARG accounts, 5) receiving membership checks, and 6) paying bills incurred by the association. The Secretary-Treasurer will provide to the chair a biannual report, in writing, on the financial condition of the organization and will report on finances at the Steering Committee and business meetings. The Secretary-Treasurer serves as a consultant to the Chair on financial matters.
- Membership Officer - The Membership Officer is appointed by the Steering Committee to serve a three year term. The Membership Officer is responsible for recruiting members, maintaining an updated membership list, providing address labels to the Bulletin Editor, and organizing among the Steering Committee ongoing recruitment into AARG. Recruitment of members shall involve, but is not limited to, contacting presenters at AAA, SfAA, or other AIDS meetings and contacting authors of AIDS articles and books. The Membership Officer will receive all membership forms and send the checks to the Treasurer. The Membership Officer will update the membership list on an ongoing basis on the web. All requests for membership lists will be handled by the Membership Officer. The Membership Officer will report on membership at the annual Steering Committee and business meetings. The Membership Officer shall advise the Chair on all matters regarding membership recruitment.
- Bulletin Editor - the Bulletin Editor is appointed by the Steering Committee to serve a two-year term. The Bulletin Editor's responsibilities include: 1) soliciting and editing articles for the Bulletin, 2) maintaining the nonmember list for distribution of the Bulletin, and 3) producing and mailing the Bulletin.
- Electronic Communications Officer - is elected every two years. Responsibilities include web page, managing lists and distributing electronic bulletins.
- B. Steering Committee Members: The rest of the Steering Committee shall consist of the immediate past chair and five general members.
- Past Chair - The Past chair serves one year. The Past chair serves as an advisor to the Chair and the steering Committee.
- Graduate Student Representative - One student is elected by the membership to serve a two-year term.
- International Professional Representative - with a two year term limit to the Steering Committee
- International Student Representative - with a two year term limit to the Steering Committee
- General Members - The five general members of the steering Committee are elected by the membership to serve three year staggered terms. The steering Committee members act as liaisons between the steering Committee and the membership. Steering Committee members are responsible for keeping abreast of AIDS research within anthropology and advising the Steering Committee regarding issues of concern to the membership. Steering Committee members will solicit and encourage organization of sessions at professional meetings both within anthropology and outside of the discipline and will serve as the liaison between AARG and other professional organizations (e.g., American Public Health Association, American Sociological Association).
- Paper/Service Award Chair - One steering Committee member will be selected by the steering Committee each year to serve as Paper/Service Award Chair. The Paper and Service Awards will be made in alternating years—odd years (ie 2007) for the paper awards and even years (ie 2008) for the service awards; in either case, $100 will be awarded. The Paper Award Chair will solicit papers, select prizes, distribute papers to judges, and tabulate the results. Paper submission cannot have been published more than one year ago. Prizes will be awarded for three paper categories: professional, graduate and undergraduate. If we have 3 prizes $50.00 prize per winner. Award winning papers will be published in the bulletin. The Service Award Chair will solicit nominations for applied research in service of the AARG mission. The Paper/Service Award Chair will report the winners at the business meeting at the AAA Meeting.
- C. Elections: Elections for steering Committee members will be held each year
- The Chair-elect serves as the Election chair. Nominations will be solicited in the July Bulletin as well as on the AARG discussion list. Balloting is electronic and handled by the electronic communications coordinator via the web.
- All current members of the AARG are eligible to be nominated. No one shall be put on the ballot without their consent.
- In the case of a tie the Chair-elect will randomly select between the members.
- If a steering Committee member or officer resigns or takes a position as an officer, the Chair will appoint an AARG member to fill out the remaining term of office.
- The Chair-elect will report the election results to the Chair in writing and will report to the membership at the business meeting at the AAA meetings.
The Bulletin is the official publication of the AARG. The Bulletin serves to inform AARG membership of the activities of the organization and serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas and information of interest to the AARG membership. It is issued biannually, March, and October. A full membership list will be maintained electronically on the web. Solicitation of nominations for elections will be done electronically.
V. Revising the BylawsThese Bylaws can be revised upon vote by the membership. Any AARG member can submit a proposed change to the Bylaws in writing to the Chair no later than two weeks prior to the business meeting at the AAA meeting. Election of new officers and changes in bylaws takes place on the web prior to November AAA meeting and are confirmed at the meeting.