Discussion Forum

AARG members currently use an email listserv for discussion. The listserv provides a speedy and effective way for AARG members to share insights, discuss important issues, be made aware of innovative research, plan conference panels, and learn about HIV/AIDS-related events. When you contact Charlotte Noble to join AARG, let her know whether or not you would like to be added to the email discussion list. AARGs listserv is managed by Alex Rödlach at AlexanderRodlach@creighton.edu.

In the future we hope to use this space on the webpage for an additional discussion forum. With such a discussion forum contained on our webpage, we would be making better use of our webpage. Our informative discussions would have a permanent home in the same location as the other information contained on our webpage. We would set up this web-based discussion forum in such a way that members who would prefer to continue to have discussion forum posts received via email could do so. No matter how the discussion forum is set up, our goal is for members to be actively part of the organization so that we enhance our knowledge of anthropological approaches pertaining to HIV/AIDS, and advocate their use among others involved in work around HIV/AIDS.

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