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Upcoming in the SMA!

    November 2, 2022
    SMA News

    (1) SMA Business Meeting. Virtual meeting Friday 11/4, 11a-1p EST. Learn our latest news, hear reports from SMA Committee Chairs, and share your views. Pre-registration required at

    (2) Sessions at the AAA’s. SMA’s Program Chair for the AAA is pleased to announce the following Invited and Co-Sponsored Events at the SMA:

    One Invited Oral Presentation Session (IP):
    “Black Feminist Health Science Studies Collaboratory: Transforming Medical Anthropology”

    Four co-sponsored events:
    Roundtable/Town Hall co-sponsored with Anthropology & Environment Section: (IP): “How does climate change feel? (re)thinking cultural embodied responses to environmental precarity”

    Roundtable/Town Hall co-sponsored with the Association of Black Anthropologists (IP): “Making our Space: Building Culturally-Responsive Care for Black Women with HIV”

    Oral Presentation Session co-sponsored with the Society for Psychological Anthropology (IP): “Embodiments of Social Inequality: Structural Violence and Associated Public Health Implications”

    Roundtable/Town Hall co-sponsored with the National Association for the Practice of Anthropology (IP): “Unsettling Interdisciplinary Contexts in Health Care”

    (3) Awards Ceremony in Seattle. Also at the AAA’s, come learn of the many outstanding nominees and winners of prizes in our annual SMA Awards Ceremony (11/11 8p-10p). We have newly endowed, and a new prize this year! Cash Bar and a music mix to help us celebrate.
    (4) Mentoring and Membership Events. On 11/3 @ 2pm, we’re having our SIG/MASA meeting for students. We’ll talk about what we’ve done, take questions, and we’ll also spend some time prepping newcomers for AAA. And on 11/17 @ 2pm, we’ll have another meeting with MASA members who attended AAA to debrief, talk about their experiences and what they learned.
    Looking forward to seeing you virtually and/or live at these events ~
    Carolyn Smith-MorrisProfessor, SMU AnthropologyPresident, Society for Medical Anthropology