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SMA Award Winners 2023

    November 20, 2023
    Prizes > Past Awards

    2023 SMA Award winners

    New Millennium Book Award
    Whiteout: How Racial Capitalism Changed the Color of Opioids in America

    Helena Hansen, Jules Netherland, and David Herzberg

    Eileen Basker Memorial Prize
    Weighing the Future: Race Science and Pregnancy Trials in the Postgenomic Era
    Natali Valdez 

    Eileen Basker Memorial Prize honorable mention
    Partial Stories: Maternal Death from Six Angles
    Claire Wendland

    The Leah M. Ashe Prize for the Anthropology of Medically–Induced Harm
    Hooyer, Katinka (2022), “The trauma pitch: how stigma emerges for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans seeking disability compensation”, PLoS One 17(8): e0267424

    The Steven Polgar Professional Paper Competition
    Sadruddin, Aalyia Feroz Ali (2022), “Death in an Ordinary Time: Reflections from Rwanda”, Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 36(2), 198-216.

    Hazel Weidman Award for Exemplary Service
    Professor Marcia Inhorn

    SMA Dissertation Award
    Practicing Gender: The Meanings and Uses of Gender Affirming Care for Youth in the United States
    Paula Martin

    Rivers Paper Prize
    “Gifted Care: Reconfiguring HIV/AIDS Caregiving in the Post-Treatment Era”
    Sumin Yoon

    Carole H. Browner Graduate Student Mentorship Award
    Professor Jennifer Hirsch 

    Carole H. Browner Undergraduate Student Mentorship Award
    Associate Professor Bharat Jayram Venkat

    Special Interest Group (SIG) Awards & Prizes

    Alcohol Drugs and Tobacco
    Graduate Student Paper Prize: Alex Rewegan
    Graduate Student Travel Award: Sugandh Gupta

    Anthropology and Mental Health
    AMHIG Graduate Student Paper Award: Brittany Franck

    Anthropological Responses in Health Emergencies
    ARHE Policy Brief Professional Award: Dr. Magdalena Stawkowski
    ARHE Policy Brief Student Award: Taylor J. Arnold

    Council on Anthropology and Reproduction (CAR) 

    Edited Collection Prize: Birth in Eight Cultures, Robbie Davis-Floyd & Melissa Cheyney (eds)

    Monograph Prize: Partial Stories: Maternal Death from Six Angles, Claire Wendland

    Monograph Prize honorable mentions: Becoming Gods: Medical Training in Mexican Hospitals, Vania Smith-Oka, Lawful Sins: Abortion Rights and Reproductive Governance in Mexico, Elyse Ona Singer & Cancer and the Kali Yuga: Gender, Inequality, and Health in South India, Cecilia Coale Van Hollen

    Paper Prize: Alyssa Basmajian

    Disability Research Interest Group (DRIG)

    Essay Prize: Rachel Parks

    Dying and Bereavement

    Emerging Scholar Award: Katrina Fuller

    Research on US Health and Healthcare (RUSH)

    Student Paper Prize: Alyssa Basmajian
    Student Paper Prize honorable mention: Yuki X. Chen

    Critical Anthropology of Global Health (CAGH) Rudolf Virchow Awards

    Professional category: Mayssa Rekhis & Jennifer Syvertsen
    Graduate category: Brianna Simmons
    Undergraduate category: Sarah Brown

    Contingent Faculty Travel Award

    “Social sufferings across the Nepal-India border; Fortification and marginality in the mist of COVID-19”
    Dr. Sachin Ghimire

    “Transnational Care Collectives: Digital technologies in remote elder care”
    Dr. Tanja Ahlin

    Undergraduate Student Travel Award

    Julia Kwak (Emory University)
    Cody Nelson (Emory University)

    Graduate Student Travel Award

    Faith Cole (University of California Los Angeles)
    Jorge Molinas Aguilar (University of Don Bosco, El Salvador)
    Taylor Silverman (University of California, Irvine)
    Mallika Kodati (University of North Texas)
    Aaron Su (Princeton University)