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REMINDER: Call for nominations – Medical Anthropology Quarterly (MAQ) editorship

    September 25, 2023
    SMA News

    Medical Anthropology Quarterly (MAQ) is seeking an editor(s) to begin a 4-year term on January 1, 2024. Applicants should be associate or full professors with a distinguished publication record. While previous editorial experience is not required, familiarity with academic editing is highly desirable (e.g., prior editorial service for a journal, guest editor of a special issue, editing scholarly volumes). We encourage joint applications from two or three candidates with track record of collaboration. Please note that it is preferable that the MAQ editor(s) receives institutional support (can include a funded (e.g., student) staff person, protection of editor’s time, or other supports that the candidate may prefer). While the official start of the new editor(s)’s term is January 1, 2024, there will be a period of working with the outgoing editor in preparation for the transition.

    Applications and nominations should be sent to the search committee chair, Ayo Wahlberg <>.  Those interested in applying for the position should send a letter outlining their qualifications (as above), editorial vision and in case of joint editors how they will collaborate on editorial responsibilities (max 2 pages), along with a curriculum vitae, to the search committee, via e-mail to Ayo Wahlberg. Details concerning preferred institutional resources will be provided to interested nominees.

    If possible, the committee hopes to interview interested candidates at the 2023 AAA meetings in Toronto. Please send your nominations and applications by September 30, 2023.