“Medical anthropology weekly: COVID-19” is a weekly compilation of COVID-19-related materials across text, audio, and video formats focused on medical anthropology and neighboring disciplines. The project is a collaboration between Society for Medical Anthropology, Medical Anthropology Quarterly, and Somatosphere. Each is cross-posted on all three websites and distributed over multiple channels.
If you’d like to suggest a piece to be listed in an upcoming issue, please add it to this public spreadsheet. Please email your questions to medanthroweekly@gmail.com.
Special issues and forums
- Covid-19 Special Issue | Synapsis
- COVID-19 Forum | Laia Soto Bermant and Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov | Social Anthropology
- Society after COVID-19 | Elena Esposito, David Stark, and Flaminio Squazzoni | Sociologica
- COVID-19 Forum III | Christos Lynteris | Somatosphere
- Epidemic histories | Paola Bertucci and students
- Medical Anthropology in the Time of COVID-19 | João Biehl, Onur Günay, and students
Ongoing series
- MAQ COVID-19 Responses | Medical Anthropology Quarterly
- Witnessing Corona | a joint project of Blog Medizinethnologie, Curare: Journal of Medical Anthropology, Global South Studies Center Cologne, and boasblogs
- Dispatches from the pandemic | Somatosphere
- The Age of COVID-19 | Association for Anthropology, Gerontology and the Life Course (AAGE)
- COVID-19 webinars | American Anthropological Association, Society for Medical Anthropology, Anthropological Responses to Health Emergencies SIG
- Covid-19, Fieldsights | Cultural Anthropology
- Pandemic Diaries | American Ethnologist
- Pandemic Insights | Anthropology News
- COVID-19: Views from the Field | Platypus – The CASTAC Blog
- Corona | Allegra Lab
- Fieldwork in a Time of Coronavirus | anthro{dendum}
- The Covid-19 Chronicles | Discover Society
- Consciously Quarantined | UCL Medical Anthropology
- Corona Times | Institute for Humanities in Africa at the University of Cape Town
- COVID-19 Dispatches | Africa is a Country
- Corona Chronicles: Voices from the Field | Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
- Corona and Climate | Sydney Environment Institute
- COVIDCalls | Scott Knowles | podcast
- Collecting COVID-19 | Haidy Geismar and Hannah Knox | UCL Centre for Digital Ethnography
- perspectives sur le coronavirus | Carnet de L’EHESS | French
- Thinking in a Pandemic | Boston Review
- Posts from the Pandemic | Critical Inquiry
- Quarantine Journal | The Point Magazine
- Stories from a Pandemic | The Nocturnists | podcast
- #coronavirussyllabus | Alondra Nelson, crowd-sourced | SSRC | syllabus
- COVID-19 Resources | American Anthropological Association
- COVID-19 Resources | Anthropological Responses to Health Emergencies SIG
- Pandemic Perspectives: Responding to COVID-19 | Michael C. Ennis-McMillan and Kristin Hedges, eds. | Open Anthropology
- MAT Virtual Issue: Outbreaks, Epidemic, and Infectious Diseases | Cristina Moreno Lozano, ed. | Medicine Anthropology Theory
- MEDANTHCOVID Idea Generator
- Covid-19 and the Social Sciences | Social Science Research Council
- COVID-19 documents and briefings | Social Science in Humanitarian Action Platform
- COVID-19 Resources for Sociologists | American Sociological Association
- COVID-19 Pandemic Resources | Consortium of Social Science Associations
- Structural Competency Resources | Structural Competency
- Sociology of Disability & COVID-19 resource list | Laura Mauldin, crowd-sourced
- Black Feminist Perspectives On Covid-19: A Reading List | Nana Afua Yeboaa Brantuo | Black Women Radicals
- Feminist Resources on the Pandemic | Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy
- Public collection of COVID-19 Citations | Yale University Medical Library
- The Politics of COVID-19 | The Syllabus | reading lists
The social and human sciences and the pandemic
- Missing the Revolution with Covid-19: On Hindsight and Ethnographic Expertise | Katherine Mason | Fieldsights, Society for Cultural Anthropology | text | public anthropology, expertise, ethnography
- Des virus, des humains, des savoirs, des épidémies: la construction sociale de quoi? | Jean-Paul Gaudillière, Frédéric Keck, and Anne Rasmussen | Carnet de L’EHESS | text | social construction, knowledge, human sciences | French
- Back to the Future in Milan | Ivan Bargna, Francesco Vietti, Giovanna Santanera, Giacomo Pozzi, and Ilaria Rebecca Bonelli | Pandemic Insights, Anthropology News | text | temporality, public anthropology, future, preparation, Milan
- Anthropology and anthropologists in times of crisis | Noel B. Salazar | Social Anthropology | text (paywalled) | anthropology, research, crisis
- To value or re?evaluate? On the anthropological perspective of a crisis | Somdeep Sen | Social Anthropology | text (paywalled) | anthropology, crisis, knowledge
- Critical Medical Anthropology Call to Action: Covid-19 | Mark Nichter, Kristin Hedges, Elizabeth Cartwright, Sarah Raskin, Deon Claiborne | MEDANTHCOVID Idea Generator | text | action research, ethnography, biocommunicability, disinformation, social determinants of health, agricultural workers, health service research
- Introduction: urgent anthropological COVID?19 forum | Laia Soto Bermant and Nikolai Ssorin?Chaikov | Social Anthropology | text | anthropology, ethnography
- Data?in?terror: ad hoc local epistemologies and social life in crisis | Scott Stonington | Social Anthropology | text (paywalled) | crisis, information, data
- Reclaiming the social from ‘social distancing’ | Geir Henning Presterudstuen | Social Anthropology | text | social science, knowledge
- Towards more equitable global health research in a COVID?19 world | Anushka Ataullahjan, Jean?Luc Kortenaar, Huma Qamar | Social Anthropology | text | global health research, Global South
- Pandemic vulnerabilities, mortality and empathy in fieldwork | Sharon J. Hepburn | Social Anthropology | text | vulnerability, fieldwork
- No Longer a Field | Rachel Howard | anthro{dendum} | text/photos | fieldwork, ethnography, research
- Material methods for a rapid?response anthropology | Natalia Magnani and Matthew Magnani | Social Anthropology | text | stockpiling, research, methods, Norway
- Roundtable: “COVID-19: Views from the Field” | Baird Campbell, Ashley Thuthao Keng Dam, Caitlyn Dye, Kristina Jacobsen, Rebekah Ciribassi, Sonia Qadir | Platypus – The CASTAC Blog | test | video – webinar | ethnography, fieldwork, public health
- The nation?state, class, digital divides and social anthropology | David N. Gellner | Social Anthropology | text | anthropology, ethnography, crisis, UK, South Asia
- What is anthropology good for?’ Anthropologists working in public health interstices | Mayari Hengstermann | Social Anthropology | text (paywalled) | public health, anthropology, Guatemala
- Complex Social Networks are Missing in the Dominant COVID-19 Epidemic Models | Gianluca Manzo | Sociologica | text | compartmental models; ego-centered networks; scale-free networks; small-world networks; agent-based computational models
- Testing and Being Tested in Pandemic Times | David Stark | Sociologica | text | testing; accountability; sociology of testing; algorithmic selection; models; demonstrations
- Before and After (in and from Italy) | Giovanni Pizza | COVID-19 Forum III, Somatosphere | text | ethnography, History of Anthropology, Italy, pandemic, Philosophy, Temporality, the event
Politics of life, death, and health
- COVID-19 Shows We Need To Rethink Dying At Home | Renske Visser | Discover Society | text | death, place of death, mortality, ageing
- Why We Need to Talk About Death Right Now | Pinar Durgun | Nursing Clio | text | death, grief
- Life versus capital: COVID?19 and the politics of life | Nicholas De Genova | Social Anthropology | text | biopower, capitalism
- COVID-19, the Freedom to Die, and the Necropolitics of the Market | Vito Laterza and Louis Philippe Römer | Somatosphere | text | Biopower/biopolitics, capitalism, coronavirus, COVID-19, Europe, Global South, Africa
- Chronic Living in a Communicable World | Lenore Manderson and Ayo Wahlberg | Medical Anthropology | text | chronic disease, chronicity, illness work, prioritization
- Valuing health before and after the Corona-shock | Stefan Ecks | Glasgow Anthropology Network | governance, lockdown, value, health
- Pandemic vitality: on living and being alive in lockdown | Natassia Brenman | Social Anthropology | text | public health, politics, lockdown, UK
- Beware the Trolley Zealots | Gil Eyal | Sociologica | text | trolley problem; utilitarianism; bio-ethics; pastoral power; frames
Governance, preparedness, and public health
- Religion, Law, and Bolsonaro’s Decree on Essential Services | Elina I. Hartikainen | Society for Cultural Anthropology | text | religion, distancing, executive power, Brazil
- A wink and a recommendation: thick description in the covid-19 pandemic | Rachel Irwin | Medical Anthropology Quarterly | text | public health, recommendations, cultural codes, Sweden
- It Could Happen Here | Sophie Harman | Discover Society | text | hegemonic power, pandemic preparedness, historical trauma, civil society
- The Chaos of Asynchronous Grief | S.A. Applin | Allegra Laboratory | text | protest, denial, grief, psychology, US
- Sociological Reflections In Times Of Change And Uncertainty: Surveillance, Control And Punishment | Catarina Delaunay | Consciously Quarantined | text | public health, governance, surveillance, Portugal
- The Dangers of Covid-20: South Sudan’s Political Dilemma | Joshua Craze and Naomi Pendle | African Arguments | governance, public health, governance, South Sudan
- Aid, Diplomacy, Autocracy: Entering the COVID-19 Crisis in Cambodia | Laurent Pordié | COVID-19 Forum III, Somatosphere | text | aid, autocracy, Cambodia, China, diplomacy, geopolitics
- COVID-19, Nature and the Political Ontology of China’s Party-State | Christos Lynteris | COVID-19 Forum III, Somatosphere | text | China, control, epidemic response, ideology, pandemic, statecraft, surveillance
- COVID-19 Pandemic Preparedness and Response in West Africa: An Anthropological Lens Oumy Thiongane | COVID-19 Forum III, Somatosphere | text | Africa, Global health, pandemic, Senegal, social inequality, vulnerability
- Local response to the global pandemic (COVID?19) in Bangladesh | Ala Uddin | Social Anthropology | text | public health, governance, Bangladesh
- Rethinking states of emergency | Susanna Trnka | Social Anthropology | text | crisis, state of emergency
- The legal void and COVID?19 governance | Asya Karaseva | Social Anthropology | text | governance, states of exception, law, Russia
- Viral living | Timothy Gitzen | Social Anthropology | text | public health, everyday life, South Korea
- The pandemic present | Ryan P. Whitacre, Liza Stuart Buchbinder, Seth M. Holmes | Social Anthropology | text | public health, preparedness
- COVID?19 and competitive markets of securitisation | Jonathan Newman | Social Anthropology | text | security, securitisation, technology, capitalism
- The Endemic Pandemic: Ruminations on American Biopower under COVID-19 | Erik Larsen | Synapsis | text | history, biopower, neoliberal governance, US
- COVID-19 and Governmentality in Taiwan | Chia Yu Lien | Synapsis | text | governance, bioppower, Taiwan
- The Tragic Omissions of Governance by Curve | Holly Jean Buck | Strelka Mag | text | governance, public health, communication, modeling and projection, climate change
- Governing simulations: Intro to necroeconomics | Andrey Shevlyakov, Yu Gong, Yevheniia Berchul, and Bryan Wolff | Strelka Mag | text | biopower, statistics, governance, necroeconomics
- COVID?19, Dugnad and productive incompleteness: volunteer labour and crisis loans in Norway | Knut Christian Myhre | Social Anthropology | text | governance, political economy, solidarity, labor, Norway
- Taking matters into our own hands: reflections on the COVID?19 pandemic in the Philippines | Jhaki Mendoza | Social Anthropology | text | public health, governance, lockdown, the Philippines
- Who Makes and Who Benefits: CEPI and the Global Effort for COVID-19 Vaccine? | Ishupal Singh Kang | Discover Society | text | vaccine research, underinvestment, intellectual property, governmental funding, philanthropy
- Systemic Integration and the Need for De-Integration in Pandemic Times | Elena Esposito | Sociologica | text | Social Integration; Systemic Integration; Inclusion/Exclusion; Systems Theory; Globalization; Differentiation of Society
Clinical encounters and infrastructures
- Ventilators Alone Won’t Save Us | Livia Garofalo | Sapiens | text | technology, emergency medicine
- Ethical Medicine Means Getting Political | D. Brendan Johnson | Hastings Center Bioethics Forum | text | Bioethics, activism, medical ethics, politics, medicine
- Pregnancy, Birth and the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States | Robbie Davis-Floyd, Kim Gutschow and David A Schwartz | Medical Anthropology | text | pregnancy, midwives, United States, maternity care, birth, rapid-response
- Fighting a Pandemic: Camus’s “The Plague” and the Physician’s Struggle to Treat in the COVID-19 Outbreak | James Belarde | Synapsis | text | literature, Camus
- “Without a patient for a text”: Medical Education in the Age of COVID | Steve Server | Synapsis | text | clinical experience, medical education, history, William Osler, distancing, US
- Who Qualifies for Patient Care During COVID-19? | Emilie Egger | Synapsis | text | total care, patient-centered care, empowerment, history
Structural violence, inequality, and vulnerability
- Decolonising Safeguarding In A Pandemic: Who Has The Power To Define Risk And Harm | Linnea Renton and Leona Vaughn | Discover Society | text | international development research, colonial logics, research partnerships, safeguarding
- Race, Intersectionality and COVID-19 | Ashlee Christoffersen | Discover Society | text | race, intersectionality, BAME, United Kingdom, migration, disability
- Solidarity Chat 1: Arrianna Planey | Aimi Hamraie (host), Arriana Planey (guest) | Contra* | audio – podcast | disability, race, class, eugenics
- Wenn aus Tätern Opfer werden: Freilassung von Gefangenen wegen des Coronavirus in Argentinien (#WitnessingCorona) | Kim Radestock | #WitnessingCorona Series (published by Blog Medizinethnologie and Boasblogs | text | law, vulnerability, incarceration, gendered violence, protest | German
- HIV: God’s punishment for sexual deviants or a holy gift against Corona? | Tankut Atuk | Somatosphere | text | HIV/AIDS, Sexuality, stigma, Turkey
- Colonial Wound, (Re)Infected: Pandemic in the Andes | Rebecca Irons | COVID-19 Forum III, Somatosphere | text | collective memory, gender, Military, Nationalism, pandemic, Peru, Postcolonial, Trauma
- What Comes After COVID-19 | Eliza Williamson | COVID-19 Forum III, Somatosphere | text | Brazil, care, COIVD-19, post-crisis, structural vulnerabilities, Zika
- Hunger-20: COVID-19 Logistics in West Africa | Branwyn Poleykett | COVID-19 Forum III, Somatosphere | text | Biopolitics, Hunger, Senegal, supply chain
Outbreak narratives, racism, and disease stigma
- Fear of others: thinking biopolitics | Arpan Roy | Social Anthropology | text | biopolitics, pollution, body
- COVID 19 – QnA – On the Rise of Racism during Pandemic | Sandra Hyde | McGill Reporter | text | Quebec, Canada, racism, xenophobia
- The China–US blame game: claims?making about the origin of a new virus | Gareth Davey | Social Anthropology | text | outbreak narrative, conspiracy theory, communication, US, China
- Why Hoard Toilet Paper? Dirt and Disorder in the 21st Century | Sarah L. Berry | Synapsis | text | hygiene, xenophobia, stockpiling
Representations of disease and intervention
- Underestimation/complacency: two comments on the language of warfare | Marilyn Strathern | Social Anthropology | text | language, metaphor, UK
- Acting Fatally on the Strength of the Martial Metaphor | Lorenzo Servitje | COVID-19 Forum III, Somatosphere | text | Biopolitics, Epidemic, Language, Metaphor, Military, Narrative, War
- Arguments for a New Aesthetic of Presence | Chiara Cappelletto | Critical Inquiry | text | representation, epidemic of signification, narrative, vulnerability
- A pandemic is not a war: COVID?19 urgent anthropological reflections | Saiba Varma | Social Anthropology | text | metaphor, war
- The ‘Invisible Enemy’: A Critical Look at the Use of Military Metaphors and Anthropomorphisation During The COVID-19 Pandemic | James Fotherby | Consciously Quarantined | text | language, metaphor, military, UK
- Pandemic … or syndemic ? Re?framing COVID?19 disease burden and ‘underlying health conditions’ | Rebecca Irons | Social Anthropology | text | language, classification, syndemic
Mental health and the public life of pandemic feelings
- Research in Times of Crisis: Caring for Researchers’ Mental Health in the Covid-19 Era | An Ansoms | Items, SSRC | text | research, higher education, mental health
- That Feeling May Be Your Privilege Cracking: What COVID can teach us about inequity and compassion | Rebecca Lester | Anthropology in Mind | text| psychology, privilege, reflexivity
- Mental Health Avenues Amidst A Global Pandemic: Conceptualising The Biosocial Medical Framework Within Urban ‘Green Spaces’ | Tiffany Loera | Consciously Quarantined | text | mental health, public space, UK
- Feeling Remote: COVID-19 in an Isolated State | Bríd Phillips | Synapsis | text | anxiety, stress, healthcare workers, Australia
- Coronashame | Brian J. Troth | Synapsis | text | morality, shame, disgust, stigma
From health communications to conspiracy theories
- God’s Daily Briefings: Religious Leadership in a Global Pandemic | Tilak Parekh | Consciously Quarantined | text | public health, religion, communication, India
- Memes, Migrants, And The Epidemiological Imagination | Josh Babcock | Consciously Quarantined | text | communication, social media, Singapore
- ‘To all the anti?vaxxers out there…’: ethnography of the public controversy about vaccination in the time of COVID?19 | Jean?Yves Durand and Manuela Ivone Cunha | Social Anthropology | text | controversy, vaccine refusal, Portugal, US
- When rumours fly like helicopters: an international conspiracy ‘language’ for the new reality? | Alexandra Arkhipova and Ian Brodie | Social Anthropology | text | conspiracy, information
- Corona conspiracies: a call for urgent anthropological attention | Senem Kaptan | Social Anthropology | text | knowledge, conspiracy, communication, narrative, Turkey
- Health Messaging and Napkin Epidemiology in the Netherlands | Maurits Bastiaan Meerwijk | COVID-19 Forum III, Somatosphere | text | data, Epidemic, infodemic, Netherlands, pandemic, surveillance, transparency
- How We Tweet About Coronavirus, and Why: A Computational Anthropological Mapping of Political Attention on Danish Twitter during the COVID-19 Pandemic | Samantha Breslin, Thyge Ryom Enggaard, Anders Blok, Tobias Gårdhus and Morten Axel Pedersen | COVID-19 Forum III, Somatosphere | text | Affect, computational mapping, COVID-19, Denmark, twitter
- Caring In The Time Of Corona: Technological Possibilities And Limitations | Matthew Lariviere | The Age of COVID-19, AAGE | text | aging, care, technologies, UK
Distancing, sociality and solidarity
- Living in bubbles during the coronavirus pandemic: insights from New Zealand | Nicholas J. Long et al. | LSE Research Online [rapid research report] | text | bubbles, distancing, containment, New Zealand, risk, care
- Bursting the Bubble Fallacy: Lockdown and the Problematic Concept of ‘Home’ | Susanna Trnka and Sharyn Graeme Davies | The Spinoff | text | bubbles, social distancing, sociality, home, New Zealand
- Versatile Houses and Flexible Bodies in Times of Coronavirus in Buenos Aires | María Florencia Blanco Esmoris and Nemesia Hijós | #WitnessingCorona Series (published by Blog Medizinethnologie and Boasblogs) | text | confinement, mandatory isolation, bodies, productivity, solidarity, Argentina
- Unintended Impacts of COVID-19 Social Distancing | Thurka Sangaramoorthy | BMJ Medical Humanities blog | text | social distancing, stigma, HIV, public health and psychology
- Interactional Anomie? Imaging Social Distance after COVID-19: A Goffmanian Perspective | Vincenzo Romania | Sociologica | text | social distance; Goffman; anomie; social theory
- From sociality to social distancing: reversing values of solidarity in Italy | Milena Marchesi | Social Anthropology | text | sociality, solidarity, distancing, Italy
- The Ethics of Social Distancing | Nicholas G. Evans | The Philosophers’ Magazine | text | distancing, ethics, philosophy
- Norway’s response to Covid-19 and the Janus face of Nordic trust | Thomas Hylland Eriksen | Corona Times | text | public health, trust, solidarity, social norms, Norway
- Jishuku, social distancing and care in the time of COVID?19 in Japan | Makoto Nishi | Social Anthropology | text | public health, distancing, Japan
- On the proximity of distancing: notes on Northern Italy | Francesco Vacchiano | Social Anthropology | text | public health, distancing, Italy
- Touch in the new ‘1.5?metre society’ | Josien de Klerk | Social Anthropology | text | everyday life, distancing
- COVID and Community | Steven Shapin | Los Angeles Review of Books | text | community, social norms, distancing, access ritual, risk
- All in this together? Isolation and housing in ‘lockdown London’ | Constance Smith | Social Anthropology | text | isolation, housing, UK
- Behind the Beak: Plague Doctor Iconography in 2020 | Madeleine Mant | Synapsis | text | plague doctor, history, masking
- The myth of masks: a tale of risk selection in the COVID?19 pandemic | Runya Qiaoan | Social Anthropology | text | risk, masks
- The national(ist) necropolitics of masks | Nicolette Makovicky | Social Anthropology | text | masks, purity and pollution
Migration and borders
- The Cost of Medical Marginalization: Undocumented Mothers and Health Access in the Time of COVID-19 | Elizabeth Farfán-Santos | Latino Rebels | text | medical marginalization, immigrant health, women’s health
- What COVID-19 Reveals about Borders and Citizenship: Europe’s Migrants on Their Way Back Home (#WitnessingCorona) | Tunay Altay | #WitnessingCorona Series (published by Blog Medizinethnologie and Boasblogs | text | migration, inequality, state of emergency
- Prisoners of Space: How the COVID-19 Lockdown Highlights Inequalities in Ageing | Camilla Lewis, Chris Phillipson, Tine Buffel, Patty Doran, and Sophia Yarker | Discover Society | text | elderly people, lockdown, inequity, neighborhoods
- Caring for Italy: The Solidarity of Filipino Women Workers | Mariachiara Ficarelli | Society for Cultural Anthropology | text | caregivers, migrant workers, domestic work, activism, solidarity, Italy
- Disrupting Transmission: What the Coronavirus Crisis Tells Us About The Geography of the Economy | Andrew Leyshon | Discover Society | text | global interconnectedness, logistics, distribution networks, economy, United Kingdom
- When State Racism and Austerity Meet The Pandemic: The Death of a Syrian Refugee In Hotel Detention | Smina Akhtar | Discover Society | text | refugee crisis, migration, asylum accomodation, austerity
- Keeping Social Distance And Keeping Them Out | Tom Marshall and Chrysi Kyratsou | Allegra Laboratory | text | refugees, migration, space, distancing, Greece
- Qatar, the Coronavirus, and Cordons Sanitaires: Migrant Workers and the Use of Public Health to Define the Nation | Natasha N. Iskander | Items, SSRC | text | migration, foreign workers, labor, vulnerability, Qatar
- What does COVID?19 distract us from? A migration studies perspective on the inequities of attention | Asia Della Rosa, Asher Goldstein | Social Anthropology | text | migration, inequality, vulnerability, structural violence
- Ground glass: the future after COVID?19? | Martin Lundsteen | Social Anthropology | text | borders, vulnerability
- Key Considerations for COVID-19 Management in Marginalised Populations in Southeast Asia: Transnational Migrants, Informal Workers, and People Living in Informal Settlements | Megan Schmidt-Sane, Santiago Ripoll and Annie Wilkinson | Social Science in Humanitarian Action Platform | text – brief | migration, recommendations, Southeast Asia
- The border and the pandemic | Neil Vallelly | Social Anthropology | text | borders, capitalism
Everyday life under quarantine and after
- Buying Time in a Prosperous Land: Some musings on human-viral relations from the streets of Amsterdam | Eileen Moyer | City and Society | text | citizenship, responsibilization, Netherlands, human-viral relations, multispecies anthropology
- Coronavirus and changing conditions for crime | Jennifer Fleetwood, John Lea, Svenja Bromberg and Theo Kindynis | Discover Society | text | crime rates, transgression, organised crime, mutual aid
- Neoliberal Vogue and the Pandemic in Bangladesh | Zahir Ahmed | Pandemic Insights, Anthropology News | text | Bangladesh, neoliberalism, lockdown
- Looking into the past, living in the future | Nikolaos Olma | Social Anthropology | text | distancing, quarantine, everyday life, temporality
- Visual art experience during the coronavirus pandemic | Kirill Chunikhin | Social Anthropology | text (paywalled) | social media, communication, everyday life, quarantine
- Writing poetry, writing the oceans in pandemic times | Rose Boswell | Corona Times | text | writing, anthropology, poetry, temporality, South Africa
- Metabolic publics: a pandemic comedy? | Anton Nikolotov | Social Anthropology | text | humor, social media, Russia
- Document the quotidian transformations of the pandemic | Rune Steenberg and Tore Steenberg Reyhé | Social Anthropology | text (paywalled) | everyday life, ethnography, methods
- The coronavirus hit us strong: a small?scale narrative | Gonçalo Salvaterra | Social Anthropology | text | everyday life, Guinea?Bissau
- “There Are Worse Places To Spend A Lockdown”: Privileged And At Risk British Retirees In Spain | Emma Fàbrega | The Age of COVID-19, AAGE | text | aging, privilege, risk, Spain
Historical perspectives
- A historical perspective on how pandemics end | Jeremy Greene (guest) | CNBC News | video – interview | history, public health, governance
- Pandemic Narratives and the Historian | Alex Longstaff, Alison Bashford, Simukai Chigudu, Deborah Coen, Richard Keller, Julie Livingston, Nayan Shah, and Paul Weindling | Los Angeles Review of Books | text | public health, global health, narrative, history
- From Black Death to fatal flu, past pandemics show why people on the margins suffer most | Lizzie Wade | Science | text | history, plague, 1918 flu, social determinants of health, vulnerability
- From Spanish Flu to COVID-19: Race, Class and Reopening St. Louis | Ezelle Sanford III and Chelsey Carter | Riverfront Times | text | history, 1918 flu, race, racism, class, US
- On epidemiological ruination | Bryonny Goodwin?Hawkins and Daniel Keech | Social Anthropology | text (paywalled) | history, crisis, death, temporality
- How Will COVID-19 Change the World? Historian Frank Snowden on Epidemics From the Black Death to Now | Frank Snowden | Democracy Now | video – interview | history, public health, governance
Environment, the Anthropocene, and post-human perspectives
- Sentinel Territories: A New Concept for Looking at Environmental Change | David Blanchon, Frédéric Keck, François-Michel Le Tourneau, Stéphane Tonnelat , and Adriana Zuniga-Teran | Metropolitics | text | sentinel, sentinel territories, environment, climate change, environment, risk, preparedness, mitigation
- Letter from the (un)seen virus: (post)humanist perspective in corona times | Nasima Selim | Social Anthropology | text | narrative, multipsecies
- COVID?19 as the primary agent | Anna Kawalec | Social Anthropology | text | anthropocentrism, multispecies
- Telling the Story of the Pandemic | Nayanika Mathur | COVID-19 Forum III, Somatosphere | text | climate crisis, conservationism, human-nonhuman relations, Narrative, nature, pandemic, self-reflexivity, storytelling
- Events of Disruptive Transformation | Zoltán Boldizsár Simon | Somatosphere | text | Environment, History, The Anthropocene
Learning, teaching, and research
- K-12 Learning During a Pandemic: Why We Need to Slow Down for Mental Health’s Sake | Elizabeth Farfán-Santos | Latino Rebels | text | mental health, child advocacy, public education
- Learning in the Quarantine | Mario Hinojosa and Julio R. Varela (hosts), Elizabeth Farfán-Santos and Pedro Noguera (guests) | In The Thick | audio – podcast | education, online learning, racial disparity
- Digital Learning | Anna Harris and Andrea Wojcik | Society for Cultural Anthropology | text | digital learning, education, medical students, clinical contact, bodies
- Once upon a pandemic: a meditation on academic life in corona times | Eddie Ombagi | Corona Times | text | higher education, everyday life, governance, Kenya
- Universities go online during the pandemic: who reaps the profits? | Mariya Ivancheva and Rebecca Swartz | Corona Times | text | higher education, political economy, Global South, South Africa
- Creativity and Embodied Practice during the ‘Shift Online’ | Emily Stevenson | Pandemic Diaries, American Ethnologist | text | research, everyday life, creativity, UK
- Against Class-as-Usual | Scott Ross | Pandemic Diaries, American Ethnologist | text | higher education, remote teaching, technology, surveillance, US
- A Primer on COVID-19 | Mark Nichter | MEDANTHCOVID Idea Generator | text – slides | public health, teaching tools
- COVID?19 and climate change reactions: STS potential of online research | Olga V. Bychkova | Social Anthropology | text | research, methods, climate change, STS, Russia