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Issue 1 | Medical anthropology weekly: COVID-19

    May 8, 2020
    Eugene Raikhel
    Rapid Response Categories:
    Medical Anthropology Weekly

    mid-April – May 4

    In an effort to highlight the vital perspectives of medical anthropology and neighboring disciplines, as well as to help manage the volume of material being published online, the Society for Medical AnthropologyMedical Anthropology Quarterly, and Somatosphere are collaborating to publish a weekly compilation of COVID-19-related materials across text, audio, and video formats. Each issue of “Medical anthropology weekly: COVID-19” will consist of a list of pieces published roughly over the past week, grouped thematically and including keywords for easy searching. In this first issue, we’ve also included a list of ongoing series and resource sites. Each issue will also be published on the SMA, MAQ, and Somatosphere sites and distributed over multiple channels.

    If you’d like to suggest a piece to be listed in an upcoming issue, please add it to this public spreadsheet. Please email your questions to



    The social and human sciences and the pandemic

    Politics of life and death

    Clinical experiences, interventions, and healthcare infrastructures

    Structural violence, racism, and social determinants of health

    Public health and governance

    Expertise, uncertainty, skepticism, and epidemiological models

    Mental health and social health

    Environment and the Anthropocene

    Precarity, labor, and care

    Everyday life under quarantine and after


    Teaching and Learning