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Hughes and Rivers Paper Prize Competitions

Deadline July 1
Hughes Prize awarded in even numbered years
Rivers Prize awarded in odd numbered years

The SMA announces the competition for the W.H.R. Rivers Undergraduate Student Paper Prize, the Charles Hughes Graduate Student Paper Prize.

The W.H.R. Rivers and the Charles Hughes competitions focus on student achievements. The Rivers Prize will be given for an outstanding paper in medical anthropology written by an undergraduate student; the Hughes Prize will be awarded for the best paper written by a graduate student. The names of the winners (and of their mentoring professors, if appropriate) will be announced at the SMA Awards Ceremony during the AAA Annual Meetings.

Please encourage your students to apply.

Papers must have been written while the applicant was a student, in this or the preceding academic year only. The prize carries a $250 cash award, and the journal Medical Anthropology Quarterly (MAQ) will have the right of first refusal on winning manuscripts. Winners serve on the judging committee in the following year’s competition.

For the next Charles Hughes Graduate Student Paper Prize, send materials to the chair, Dr. Anglin at by July 1, 2018.

All submissions must be electronic. Papers should not exceed 20 double- spaced pages, not including bibliography. To support blind review, no identifying information or acknowledgments should be contained in the manuscript. Only the paper’s title should appear prior to the text on page 1.

Submitted papers should be accompanied by a cover letter containing (1) the paper title; (2) the competition into which it is being entered (Hughes); (3) author details (including information on student status and relevant advisor’s name, if any); and (4) contact information, including postal mailing address, phone number, and email address. The committee chair will send the submitted paper and the cover letter to the relevant subcommittee members.

Notification of competition results will be made in the fall. It is the entrant’s responsibility to keep the prize coordinator updated as to any change in his or her email contact information. If you are the winner and cannot be contacted, you will forfeit the prize.