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Carole H. Browner Annual Graduate Student Mentorship Award

The Carole H. Browner Graduate Student Mentor Award was established in 2006 to recognize excellence in graduate student mentorship in medical anthropology. It is aimed at senior or mid-career scholars who have demonstrated an ongoing commitment to teaching and mentorship throughout their careers, particularly those who have taken the time to successfully guide their MA and PhD students through their research and the thesis or dissertation writing process.

Attributes to consider:

  • Has a strong record of mentoring BIPOC, LGBTQIA, first-generation, and other underrepresented students
  • Communicates clearly and supportively with students and offers consistent, positive guidance; provides timely and productive feedback on written work
  • Creates a friendly, encouraging and academically challenging environment; makes an effort to teach medical anthropology in innovative and effective ways
  • Encourages students to submit abstracts of their own at conferences, write and submit their own work to journals, teach well and value teaching, and begin to function on their own in those public arenas that include medical anthropology
  • Has a good track record of retaining students: remaining on committees, retaining advisees, and graduating a good proportion of their advisees
  • Inspires students to pursue their own research, teaching, and advocacy goals in medical anthropology
  • Helps students connect with other professionals in their field outside of their own departments and helps familiarize them with the unwritten rules of their professional community
  • Steps back and allows students to learn from their own mistakes; lets them step forward on their own and begin making their own decisions; lets them define and take appropriate risks
  • Models professionalism in the classroom, in the office, at conferences, on social media, and in all public and private interactions

A minimum of three letters of nomination should be from current and/or former students outlining the ways in which the candidate has been a strong mentor, advisor, and/or teacher. Additional letters may also be submitted by junior colleagues whom the candidate has mentored; however, this is not a requirement. Each letter should consider the above criteria and address any other attributes or practices that have led to supportive, successful mentoring. While there is currently no limit on the number of letters that can be submitted, we strongly advise prioritizing quality of letters over quantity. Nominations for the mentor award will remain open for three years for consideration by the award committee.

Nomination and support letters will be accepted until the deadline of July 1, 2024. Please send all nomination letters to Yesmar Oyarzun at The award recipient will be honored during the SMA Business Meeting and Award Ceremony at the 2024 AAA Annual Meeting.

Previous recipients of the Carole H. Browner Graduate Student Mentorship Award:

Jennifer Hirsch (2023)

Denielle Elliott (2022)

Andrea Sankar (2021)

Nancy Chen (2020)

Lesley Sharp (2019)

Joan Stevenson (2018)

Kimberly Theidon (2017)

Charles L. Briggs (2016)

Janelle Taylor (2015)

Juliet McMullin (2014)

Marcia Inhorn (2013)

Peter Brown (2012)

Frances Barg (2011)

Mary-Jo DelVecchio-Good and Byron J. Good (2010)

Carole Browner (2009)

Joe Dumit (2008)

Lenore Manderson (2007)

Mac Marshall (2006)