- SMA 2024 Awards
Eileen Basker Memorial Prize
Conceiving Christian America: Embryo Adoption and Reproductive Politics
Charles Hughes Grad Student Paper Prize
Carole H. Browner Graduate Mentorship Award
Carole H. Browner Undergraduate Mentorship Award
Career Achievement Award
Professor Emeritus Lynn Morgan
The Leah M. Ashe Prize for the Anthropology of Medically Induced Harm
Tankut Atuk. 2024. “If I Knew you Were a Travesti, I Wouldn’t Have Touched You: Iatrogenic Violence and Trans Necropolitics in Turkey.”
Steven Polgar Professional Paper Prize.
Megan Carney, Debi Chess, and Michelle Rascon-Canales. 2022. “There Would Be More Black Spaces: Care/giving Cartographies During Covid-19.”
Special Interest Group (SIG) Awards and Prizes
Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco (ADT)
Graduate Student Paper Prize: Sugandh Gupta
Graduate Student Travel Award: Whitney Margaritis
Contingent Faculty Travel Award: Joshua Falcon
Anthropology and Mental Health (AMH)
Graduate Student Paper Prize: Loa Gordon
Graduate Student Paper Prize: Heather Prentice Walz
Anthropological Responses in Health Emergencies (ARHE)
Policy Brief Professional Award: Daniel Manson
Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Integrative Medicine (CAM/IM)
Graduate Student Paper Prize: Tracy Brannstrom
Council on Anthropology and Reproduction (CAR)
Paper Prize. Anne Breuckner. The Danish Center for Social Science Research. “The Best I Could: Future Orientations for Danish Women with Gestational Diabetes.”
Paper Prize Honorable Mention. Ziqi Xie. “Doctors as Moral Pioneers and Moral Guardians: between Family and Reproductive Governance in Pro-Natalist China.”
Monograph Prize. Kimberley Theidon, Dyan Mazurana, and Dipali Anumol. Challenging Conceptions: Children Born of Wartime Rape and Sexual Exploitation.
Monograph Prize Honorable Mention. Amrita Pande. Birth Controlled: Selective Reproduction and Neoliberal Eugenics in South Africa and India.
Critical Anthropology for Global Health (CAGH)
Rudolph Virchow Professional Prize: Ting Hui Lau. “The Afterlife of Doing Medicine: Birth Planning, Chronic Illness, and Regeneration among the Lisu on the China-Myanmar Border.”
Honorable Mention. Richard Powis and Emma Bunkley. “Handbooks and Health Interpreters: How Man are Assets for their Pregnant Partners in Senegal.”
Rudolph Virchow Graduate Prize. Aaron Su. “The (Im)possibility of Indigenous Politics: Collaborative Medical Design and the Limits of Settler Democracy in Taiwan.”
SMA 2024 Awards
Eileen Basker Memorial Prize Conceiving Christian America: Embryo Adoption and Reproductive Politics Risa Cromer Charles Hughes Grad Student Paper Prize Timothy Y. Loh Carole H.…
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