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AAA Annual Meeting Contingent Faculty Travel Awards

Deadline: September 24, 2024

The SMA offers annual meeting travel support to one or two underemployed, non-student SMA members who have had abstracts accepted and will be presenting papers or posters at the annual meeting of the AAA. This award will assist members facing challenges to funding travel to the AAA meeting and it will raise awareness regarding the challenges faced by underemployed peers. Eligibility hinges on holding a non-tenure-track or temporary position (unintentionally unemployed SMA members also may apply). Award checks (two for $500 or one for $1000) will be given out each year at the SMA’s Business Meeting. Applications should include the following, compiled in a single PDF file:

1. Proof of current SMA membership (e.g., copy of payment statement from AAA).

2. Copy of the annual meeting abstract.

3. Proof of acceptance of the abstract (e.g., copy of notification from AAA).

4. A one-page, single-spaced (500 word) personal statement, to include information regarding employment status and professional challenges faced.

Awards will be evaluated based on significance, innovation, and clarity of the submitted abstract. Context information from the personal statement will be taken into account where two or more abstracts are deemed equally significant, innovative, and lucid. The award for any co-authored abstracts selected may be split if authors are co-presenting and each author is underemployed.

Email these materials and any direct inquiries to the SMA Contingent Faculty Travel Award committee via Narelle Warren,