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MASA: Medical Anthropology Student Association

mission statement

  • We are an international group of graduate and undergraduate students, some beginning our studies, some already working in the field. We exist as a body in order to create the supportive bonds that will enable us to assist each other through the long process of training, conducting field work, writing, and succeeding in the job market. Through Special Events, bulletin boards, and student directed projects, we help provide each other with the resources needed to engage with this discipline, develop areas of concentration, generate theoretical innovations, write strong proposals, fund and complete our dissertation work, and successfully enter careers in medical anthropology.
  • We reject the notion that the graduate process must be a solitary endeavor; instead, we join together as a group to find and use the resources we need to complete our training with our health and sanity intact. We welcome all students who share our passion for the study and improvement of human life through the lens of health and social justice, and we lay the groundwork for the next generation of medical anthropology.

The Student Membership Forum is a special interest group of the Society for Medical Anthropology. Visit the MASA webpage and Facebook Group.