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RUSH Student Paper Prize 2023

Deadline: May 1, 2023

Announcement: The Research on U.S. Health and Healthcare (RUSH) Interest Group of the Society for Medical Anthropology is announcing one student paper prize of $300. The student awardee will be acknowledged during the RUSH and Society for Medical Anthropology Business Meetings at the 2023 American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting.

Eligibility: Applicants must be current advanced undergraduate (Juniors/Seniors) or graduate (Masters or PhD) students in anthropology. The student applicant must be first author of the paper submission. Submissions that list professors as authors are not eligible for this award.  

Submission Requirements: Submissions must be original, unpublished work, of high quality. Papers must be anthropological and can be theoretical and/or empirical. Research must be related to the themes of health or healthcare in the U.S. including but not limited to: healthcare policy and administration, health insurance and insurers, healthcare professional workforce, medical education, healthcare activism, bioethics, healthcare disparities, chronic and disability-related health issues, health technology, COVID-19, etc. Papers must be submitted in 12-point Arial or Calibri font, in .doc or .docx format, double-spaced, with 1” margins. Papers must include a bibliography and the submitted document should be less than 20 total pages. Papers will be evaluated on the quality of research and analysis, and clarity of writing. Self-nominations are welcome. 

Online paper submission using the google form due May 1, 2023

Winners will be notified by June 1, 2023