(1) SMA Business Meeting. Virtual meeting Friday 11/4, 11a-1p EST. Learn our latest news, hear reports from SMA Committee Chairs, and share your views. Pre-registration required at https://smu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMkceCvpj8iEtHuarPtFOxtB3ENrlBf-KPe
(2) Sessions at the AAA’s. SMA’s Program Chair for the AAA is pleased to announce the following Invited and Co-Sponsored Events at the SMA:
One Invited Oral Presentation Session (IP):
“Black Feminist Health Science Studies Collaboratory: Transforming Medical Anthropology”
Four co-sponsored events:
Roundtable/Town Hall co-sponsored with Anthropology & Environment Section: (IP): “How does climate change feel? (re)thinking cultural embodied responses to environmental precarity”
Roundtable/Town Hall co-sponsored with the Association of Black Anthropologists (IP): “Making our Space: Building Culturally-Responsive Care for Black Women with HIV”
Oral Presentation Session co-sponsored with the Society for Psychological Anthropology (IP): “Embodiments of Social Inequality: Structural Violence and Associated Public Health Implications”
Roundtable/Town Hall co-sponsored with the National Association for the Practice of Anthropology (IP): “Unsettling Interdisciplinary Contexts in Health Care”