SMA Seminar: Zika Frontline Research: Preliminary Findings

The SMA Zika TIG group is hosting a second webinar on January 18th from 10:00-12:00 EST.  The title of the webinar is: Zika Frontline Research: Preliminary Findings.

This webinar is an opportunity to build on the first webinar we hosted in April, 2016.  Since April there have been members of the SMA Zika TIG group actively conducting research in various field sites.  Most recently Zika has been downgraded from a public health emergency and response efforts are shifting to focus on long term care plans for impacted communities.  In this webinar four different scholars will present their preliminary research findings from the field.


·  10:00-10:10- Introductions- Kristin Hedges and Juliet Bedford

·  10:15-10:25- Christine Ricardo- Brazil Gender & Reproductive health practices and decision making

·  10:30-10:40- Lucia Guerra-Reyes- Peru Gendered hierarchy decision making around pregnancy

·  10:45-10:55- Shir Lerman- Puerto Rico political economy

·  11:00-11:10- Laurie Denyer Willis- Sub-Saharan African response

·  11:15-12:00- Question, Answer, and Discussion Time- Kristin Hedges

No advance registration is needed. To attend, simply click on this link:

Feel free to join us at 9:45am for a brief introduction to the webinar app.