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AAA Conference Student Travel Awards

Graduate Students: The SMA offers conference travel support to five SMA graduate students, who have had abstracts accepted to the annual meeting of the AAA. Winners will be recognized at the SMA Business Meeting during the AAA meeting and receive $500 to support their travel. Eligibility is restricted to student members of the SMA, who are presenting papers or posters at the AAA meeting. Applications should include the following:

  1. Proof of current SMA student membership.
  2. Copy of the conference abstract.
  3. Proof of acceptance of the abstract.
  4. Recommendation letter from an advisor (directly sent by the recommender as an email attachment to the committee chair, Steven Black []).

Awards will be evaluated based on significance, innovation, and clarity of the submitted abstract, as well as the strength of the letter of support from the advisor, who should discuss the significance of the to-be-presented work. If students applying for this award co-author their poster or paper abstract with a faculty or professional anthropologist, a higher standard is expected. If students are co-authoring a poster or paper with another student, then the single award will be split between the two, should the abstract be selected.

Undergraduate Students: The SMA offers conference travel support to one undergraduate student. Winners will be recognized at the SMA Business Meeting during the AAA meeting. Eligibility is not restricted to SMA members and there is no conference presentation requirement. This award is designed for students who are facing personal or institutional challenges to funding travel to conferences.

Applications should include the following:

  1. A one-page, single-spaced personal statement.
  2. Recommendation letter from an advisor (directly submitted by the recommender as an email attachment to the committee chair,

Steven Black [])

  1. . This letter should justify need.

All Students: Please Email the materials and any direct inquiries to the SMA Student Travel Award committee at Steven Black ( deadline for submissions is yearly on September 1. Awardees will be notified by October 2.